Police Week

I feel it incumbent upon myself as your District Attorney to remind everyone that this week is “Police Week”. Police week is held May 11-17 each year. This is a time that I would like to recognize the dedicated honorable work performed by all of the law enforcement officers and their support personnel in the Ocmulgee Judicial Circuit. I also want to recognize the families of these men and women who protect and serve us.
Too few people even know that May 15th is National Peace Officer Memorial Day and the fact that the day was officially made such by a law that was enacted by the US Congress 60 years ago. Even fewer people know that Peace Officer Memorial Day is only one of two days that the law requires us to fly the American flag at half-staff.
Paraphrasing Orwell, I ask everyone to acknowledge that we sleep peacefully at night and go about our daily activities because of the brave deputies, city officers, rangers, troopers, agents, and federal officers who stand ready to meet violence and danger on our behalf. Let’s tell them we appreciate their service and most importantly, let’s lower flags to half-staff this Sunday in remembrance of those who served before them and gave their lives keeping the peace for us.
T. Wright Barksdale III
District Attorney
Ocmulgee Judicial Circuit