Putnam County Trial Week ends with a bang
There were 2 criminal cases tried this week in the Putnam County Superior Court, and both cases ended in convictions. On May 23, 2018,...

Anglin enters a guilty plea in Jasper County
Michael Shane Anglin plead guilty on May 22, 2018 in Jasper County Superior Court. Anglin plead guilty to the offenses of Rape, Incest,...

Child Abuse Awareness Program and Meet & Greet for Mayor Parham-Copelan in Milledgeville, Georgi
On Tuesday, April 24, 2018, several of our staff attended the Child Abuse Awareness Program and the Meet & Greet for Milledgeville's new...

DA finds no proof of criminal intent in officer shooting
After reviewing former Baldwin County Deputy Gillis's shooting of an individual during an October 2017 arrest, the District Attorney's...

Baldwin County woman sentenced to 20 years for homicide
Levia Pace, a former Detroit police and Georgia Department of Corrections officer, was sentenced to twenty (20) years for the death of...

White convicted of Battery in Putnam County
Jeffery White was arrested for the offense of Aggravated Assault on February 12, 2017 after Eatonton Police Department was notified about...

James Gilmore enters a guilty plea before trial
On Monday, February 5, 2018, a jury was selected in Baldwin County for the State v. James Gilmore, Jr. The Defendant was charged with...

Trial week dedicated to dangers of DUI
This trial week in Jones County has been a testament to the dangers of drinking and driving. On February 2, 2018, Daniel J. Martin was...

Hancock County Conviction
Earlier today, Clarence Crayton, Sr. (56) was convicted by a Hancock County jury of the offense of Aggravated Assault. He received a...